ALCAR (호주)
할인 후 금액 합산이 1일 한 국가별로 150 Usd 이하이면 관부과세가 부과되지 않습니다.합산 과세 사전 확인은 해드리나 걸러지지 않은 경우, 부담은 구매자 부담입니다.
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Alcar: 200 servings, exp 11/2025
Alcar is a powerful addition to your new Summer Shredding Stack.
This valuable little molecule has been a staple in the bodybuilding and brain-hacking communities for years now, thanks to its ability to help you lose weight and power up your brain.
Alcar has two main benefits:
Boosts brain power: ALCAR is an anti-aging nootropic, or smart drug, meaning, it helps your brain perform better. The acetyl group on it lets it pass your blood-brain barrier and reach your brain and nerves, where it can improve your mood, learning, and memory.
Burns fat and builds muscle: ALCAR can give you an edge in the gym, too. It shuttles fuel (in the form of fatty acids) to your muscle mitochondria, which ramps up your energy production and can increase endurance. ALCAR also pushes your metabolism toward fat burning while you work out.
With 100% Guarantee in purity, Mutated Nation Nutrition introduces brand new natural shredding agent 'ALCAR' to speed up your fat loss journey.
Dosage: How much ALCAR should you take?
Alcar is a valuable addition to your daily supplement routine, especially if you’re an athlete or you’re looking for anti-aging benefits. As with most supplements, timing matters. Here’s what you need to know.
Alcar for nootropic benefits/anti-aging:
2g/day; half first thing in the morning, half in the afternoon
Alcar for fitness and fat-burning:
2-3g day; half 90 minutes before exercise (to increase your muscle endurance), half after exercise (to speed up recovery)
Mutated Nation Nutrition ALCAR is available in 100 Grams which means 50 full clinical servings for your shredding diet.
Serving size: 200 / 1 scoop=1 gram