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Mutated Nation




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Optimus Peptide Pear: 30 servings. exp 05/2026

1 scoop: 6.5 - 6.68 grams

Improve Recovery + Detox
0 Calories + 0 sugar +  high L-arginine 
Increase overall anabolic rate
Reduce fat

For many years, Peptides have been used by top athletes  due to their ability to support training endurance and recovery. Peptides are perfect for any hard-training athlete because they serve as primary building blocks for muscle and help combat muscle loss and protein breakdown, especially during intense training.

Finally, the most powerful amino peptide combination has been formulated! Introducing Optimus Peptide, the all in 1 Amino Peptide formula that is amazingly delicious. And unlike other underdosed products that have little or no research to back up their claims, Optimus Peptide is back by 7 different amino peptides at 12:1:1 Ratio that demonstrate their muscle-, strength- and performance-enhancing abilities! (6 times higher than normal BCAA products in the market)


Each scoop serving of Optimus Peptide features a clinically studied dose of Vitamin Complex and 12:1:1 Peptide Compound added to the formula that help significantly enhance your recovery and endurance. 
This time, Optimus Peptide also contains L-arginine which has been loved by many sports professionals. L-arginine is proved to have amazing health benefits. 

L-arginine is an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and divided into essential and nonessential categories. Nonessential amino acids are made in the body, but essential amino acids are not. As such, L-arginine must be provided through dietary intake. 

Eventhough, L-arginine has many health benefits such as Anti Aging, boosting immune system etc.. there are 2 main benefits that most sports professionals rely on:

1. Improves endurance and reduces fatigue

If you are an endurance athlete, you will enjoy the effect of arginine on your performance. Endurance performance also depends on the amount of oxygen coming into the muscle tissues. Oxygen is transmitted through the blood, which helps you to train longer without feeling tired. This has also been confirmed by one study on professional cyclists, who have seen prolonged times of occurrence of their exhaustion. 

Some studies have studied using a form of arginine known as GAKIC (glycine L-arginine A-ketose caproic acid). In human testing, they have seen an increase in their average physical activity. At the same time, they measured the increase in performance and also increased fatigue resistance. 

2. Promotes fat burning

Researchers have also begun to investigate L-arginine for its effects on increased fat loss. Those athletes who want to burn body fat should therefore consider supplementing arginine. One research examined the effect of nitric oxide on glucose metabolism during exercise. The results suggest that athletes who used arginine were able to transfer glucose more quickly to muscle cells. 

In addition, supplementation of L-arginine  has promoted an increase in unesterified fatty acid as well as glycerol in the body. This points to the use of fat as an energy source.

Get ready to be blown away with the most amazing range of fruit flavours in Optimus Peptide.

100% Made in New York with Premium Quality and Potency. 

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