As you browse through the internet, conflicting information available these days about the best ways to lose fat will actually make you confused. So which fitness plan do you follow? The one which asks you to go low-carb or low-fat? What about the amount of protein? Do you count calories? Should you strength train or do cardio? The list of confusing messages is endless. What you really need is a practical, maintainable and fact-based approach. The goal of Mutated Nation Nutrition is to keep your fat loss journey as simple and effective as possible by breaking it down to basic fundamentals. Before scrolling down this page, you need to ensure that you are willing to give 100% commitment to losing weight over the next few weeks.


    For maximum effective fat loss your body needs higher metabolism and caloric deficit. These can be obtained from the right kind of food and exercise ( we don’t like to use the word “ DIET” like many trainers use as “Diet” is a very general word and can be preferred to many things, to create fat loss, you need the right kind of FOOD and SUPPLEMENTS not “DIET “)




    We will breakdown the process of fat loss into Science vs Reality in the most fundamental ways, understanding this process thoroughly will make you aware more of what you are doing and what you should be doing for effective fat loss.

  • Science behind FAT LOSS:

    What is metabolism? Ideally, weight loss is about pulling excess body fat out of your fat cells and burning it for fuel. When that happens, your fat cells shrink and you lose pounds and inches, this process is called metabolism, the higher your metabolic rate is, the more fat you will burn.


Effective Fat Loss is a combination of 2 main factors: FOOD (Diet + Supplements) and EXCERCISE (Weight Training and Cardio): Did you know that to have a good body, 70% comes from the FOOD (Diet + Supplements) you eat and 30% comes from EXCERCISE (Weight Training and Cardio)? You need to start eating the right kind of food and the right amount of food, to only support your “ideal” weight. Let’s say you weigh 85kg and your ideal weight is 70kg. That means you’ve been eating enough to support 85kg, or even more if you’ve been steadily gaining


    Food consists of three macronutrients and Micronutrients, The goal of fat loss is to eat the right macronutrients and the right amount of micronutrients:
    Macronutrients (can be obtained through your daily food consumption) :

  • #1 Protein (lean meat, chicken breast, eggs, seafood etc… )

    The human body is made mostly of water. After that comes protein. You need protein every day to perform thousands of functions in the body. Your body works by breaking the protein down into different combinations of amino acids, the "building blocks" of protein. Protein is necessary for muscle building, the more muscles you have, the more fat you will burn.

  • #2 Carbohydrates (bread, spaghetti, rice, potatoes, etc…)

    Carbohydrates are the preferred form of fuel for your body's energy needs. Simple or sugary carbs have their place when you need fast energy, but for the most part you should eat complex or slow-burning carbs (we'll give you examples of these later). The thing about carbs, though, is that after you consume all the carbs your body needs for immediate energy, any excess carbs will be stored as body fat. This is why it is important to eat the right kind of carbohydrate at the right amount in order to support fat loss

  • #3 Fats (poultry skin, fatty cuts of meat, burgers etc…)

    Body fat has a number of purposes, too. Our bodies store energy in fat tissue, which also keeps us insulated from high and low temperatures, and protects our vital organs. But there are good and bad types of body fat. Most of us eat way too much fat—especially saturated fat and trans fat. We need fats, we just need more of the right ones. Again, our purpose is to help you understand the most fundamentals of fat loss.

  • Micronutrients (can be obtained through supplements like Hybrid Tea and Albutarex V2) are comprised of vitamins and minerals which are required in small quantities to ensure normal metabolism, growth and physical well‐being. They ensure your brain, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs central nervous system, bone density, joints, and ligaments—pretty much everything—each have the vital resources they need to operate at full capacity, especially when you are beating the hell out of them in your training. Research studies have also shown that certain supplements ( Albutarex and Hybrid Tea) can trigger a great boost in metabolism or result in greater weight loss without any extra calories added. We’re also learning more about the role of hormones, but overall, the more calorie deficit you have, the more fat you lose.


Reality: Since 70% of a good body comes from the food you eat, you must eat the right kind of macronutrients and right amount of micronutrients to support the body weight that you want

  • Science behind EXERCISE:

    What is calorie?
    Calorie is a unit of Energy, but if you consume too many you will gain weight. Excess calories are stored as body fat. (Please note that your body refers to burn some calories in certain food better than others, we will explore this later on) the more calories your body burns (calorie defecit), the more fat you will lose. For example:

    A daily 500 calorie deficit adds up to 3,500 over a week’s time, to result in 450 grams of loss of body fat naturally.

    500 (calorie per day) x 7(days) = 3500 calories loss = 450 grams of fat loss per week

    Exercise generally includes weight training and cardio, these physical activities help increase your calorie deficit.


Cardio and weight training are both important for fat loss. Even though, you’ll burn more calories per session of cardio than weight training for about the same amount of effort, weight training is more effective than cardio at building muscle, and muscle burns more calories at rest than some other tissues, including fat

  • NOTE: Don’t believe what you see on TV: On weight loss TV shows you’ve probably seen double-digit weekly losses. There are three reasons for this:

  • #1

    Most contestants on these shows have 30+ kgs to lose, so again, by starting to eat only the number of calories it takes to support their desired weight, they instantly create a hefty calorie deficit.


  • #2

    These shows typically require several hours of exercise a day, which means the total deficit gets cranked up by a few thousand calories daily which is absolutely intense and not realistically recommended

  • #3

    Not all the weight they’re losing is body fat – some, especially in the beginning, is made up of those other factors that affect the number on the scale. When you step on a scale, you’re not just measuring fat. Your total body weight is made up of seven distinct things: 1) muscle 2) bone 3) organs (like your lungs, heart and liver) 4) fluids (including blood) 5) body fat 6) the waste inside your digestive tract you haven’t yet eliminated and 7) glycogen (the form of carbohydrate you sock away in your liver and muscles as a back up fuel). When the number on the scale changes, it’s mostly due to fluctuations in the amount of water, glycogen (stored carbohydrate) and waste in your body, which shift from hour to hour and day to day. Losing actual body fat takes longer, because the only way to burn excess body fat is to create a calorie deficit, and that can be much trickier than it sounds. This is why the goal of effective fat loss is to burn fat during workout and after workout. It is an art of combining FOOD and EXERCISE together. Since Men and Women have different hormone levels, our Fat Loss instructions have been modified to fit into your gender and goals. Now you have understood the basic science behind fat loss, next step is to select your fat loss goal based on your gender here: